Disability multi-sport program Edutain+ is back for this February half-term holiday!
Edutain+ is a multi-sport program that allows children with disabilities to be active and play with their peers every half term!
This February half-term, it will run from Tuesday 13th to Thursday 15th February between the hours of 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at Academy Sports Centre, Torquay Street, W2 5EW
To be eligible children need to be 8 – 16 years old and live or study in Westminster.
Sessions are fun, accessible and inclusive to all. Spaces fill up quick – sign up before it’s to late!

For more information, please contact Leonard Lionel at leonard.ionel@sportwestminster.org or on 07891 386688 (between 9am-5pm, Monday – Friday).