Fairer Communities

Access FREE NHS Community Workshops This Winter!

Take care of you mental wellbeing with some FREE NHS Community Workshops at Jubilee Community Leisure Centre this Winter!

We know that Winter can be a really tough time for all, with the long dark days and colder weather. That’s why it is so important to indulge in some self care and keep moving. And lucky for you there are some wonderful FREE NHS Community Workshops over the next few weeks that will help you do exactly that.

Chase those anxieties away and boost your mood!

Dates: Thursday 25th January and Thursday 1st February 

Time: Between 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Location: Jubilee Community Leisure Centre, 22 Lancefield St, London W10 4NW

These sessions are open to everybody aged 16 and above and have been designed to promote evidence-based knowledge that supports a healthier lifestyle and general wellbeing. 

Each session will include light physical activity suited to all abilities and a variety of information stalls will be present, giving you access to a tonne of free resources.

Take positive steps towards better self care and sign up today: Community Living Well Workshops

Volunteering Opportunity: Event Director Needed for junior parkrun at Paddington Recreation Ground

parkrun and Paddington Recreation Ground are looking for an Event Director for the junior parkrun held every Sunday at 9:00am

Are you a running or fitness enthusiast or someone who is looking for an opportunity to do something meaningful? If so this one is for you!

Parkrun and Padding Recreation Ground are looking for a wonderful Event Director to run their junior parkrun every Sunday at 9:00am. You will get to manage a friendly weekly 2K event involving a group of 40-60 juniors aged 4 to 14.

*Please note applicants must be 18 and over due to some of the responsibilities involved in the role.

You can get more details about the role here: Junior Parkrun Event Director

And get more general information about the event here: Paddington Recreation Ground Junior Parkrun

Westminster Ladies start the new year right with the Westminster Women Winter Weekends

Ladies, start the new year right with the Westminster Women Winter Weekends Challenge!

Calling all ladies in Westminster City – it’s time to get active this winter with the Westminster Women Winter Weekends – a joint initiative between Cancer Research UK London, Winter Run 10K and Westminster City Council. This is a free new app based challenge starting from Saturday 6th January through to Sunday 25th February 2024 

All you have to do is complete a distance of between 5 and 15km each weekend and it’s entirely up to you how. Walk, Run, Sprint, Jog or even glide, just get those steps in to unlock some great rewards along the way.

Get more info here: Westminster Women Winter Weekends

Sign up here: Register

Northumberland Place Play Street Public Consultation

Northumberland Place Play Street Public Consultation is open from 8th December 2023 - 2nd January 2024

A Public consultation is taking place between 8th December until 2nd January 2024 for a proposed play street on Northumberland Place, between Talbot Road and Artesian Road. The Play Street would give pedestrians priority over traffic in the Spring and Summer months each year.

The goal of Westminster City Council is always to ensure that we do what we can to bring you the people in the community closer together. Opening up the streets for children to play and providing a safe opportunity for residents to meet and connect has proven to build a higher sense of trust and belonging. We take what you have to say very seriously so please do take the survey.

Visit our dedicated page to find out more: Northumberland Place Play Street Consultation and Have Your Say

Westbourne Green Open Space Consultation is open – Survey now extended until 13th December

Westbourne Green Open Space Development Consultation - The survey has been extended until Wednesday 13th December

If you are a resident or a user of Westbourne Green Open Space we want to hear from you!

Westminster Council aims to strengthen a culture of play, physical activity, leisure, and sport across our Lives, Neighbourhoods and City.

Being active and healthy goes hand in hand with an improved quality of life and wellbeing. Sport, Leisure & Active Communities aims to improve Westbourne Green open space by offering different types of space that are more accessible, provide a richer mix of playing opportunities and improve pollution and noise and overall environmental impact of the area.

The purpose of this consultation is to gather views and insights on how best to improve the space and maximise usage of outdoor space within the three workstreams:

  1. Inclusive Play – A menu of options will be presented to the local community prioritising the most wanted elements of inclusive play
  2. Soft landscaping – Proposals will include recommendations on the use of micro forests, semi-mature trees and hedge infill to improve air quality, increase park biodiversity, reduce noise and water loss amongst other benefits
  3. Creating space for girls and young women – Increase use of the area by girls and young women to encourage physical activity and community life

Your views are important to us, so please take the survey before it closes on Wednesday 13th December at midnight.

Visit the Westbourne Green Open Space Consultation page to find out more about the whole pilot and consultation process.

ActiveStreets Programme – Opening up our streets for play and community life

ActiveStreets Programme - Opening up our streets for play and community life

The impact of opening up streets for children to play and for the community to get together has shown to build a higher sense of trust and belonging, allowing people of all ages and walks of life to connect with each other and lead active, healthy and happy lives.

With this in mind, the Active Streets Programme is a key strategy commitment of The Active Streets Programme is a key strategy commitment of our ActiveWestminster Strategy that aims to  improve the health and wellbeing of residents and visitors across the city, by making physical activity more accessible for everyone. In addition, the programme is part of our Open Spaces and Biodiversity strategy and consists of three types of Active Street which as a Westminster resident or local school, you can apply to host.

The programme overall aims to open up residential streets across Westminster for play, creating space for physical activity right on your doorstep and increasing the number of people who know their neighbours. Play Streets, regular Street Play and School Streets sessions enable active travel and improve air quality.

Active Street Programm

Learn more about the programme and the process you must follow on our dedicated page ActiveStreets.