Disability multi-sport program Edutain+ is back for this week's half-term holiday

Edutain+ is a multi-sport program for children with disability to be active and play with their peers every half term!

This February half-term, it will run on:

  • Tuesday 14th ,
  • Wednesday 15th
  • Thursday 16th February

10am -3pm @ Academy Sports Centre in Torquay Street, W2 5EW

£1 per day

To be eligible, the child needs to be 8 – 16years old that live or study in Westminster.

Sessions are fun, accessible and inclusive to all. For the first time, Edutain+ will be able to accept children that require 1:2:1 care/assistance with their carer in the program, once proof of registration/qualification, most recent EHCP and DBS check is provided.

For more information, please contact Leonard Lionel on 07891386688 or Leonard.Lionel@sportwestminster.org (between 9am-5pm, Monday – Friday).