Walking and Cycling


Are you looking to get out walking and meeting new people? Walking is a healthy and accessible way to become more active.

Ramblers Wellbeing Walks Westminster organises short and friendly walks in and around Westminster. You’ll receive a warm welcome and plenty of support to make it easier to get active and stay active.


All walks are led by trained local residents who are enthusiastic and understanding of walker’s abilities. With a focus on socialising and exploration the walks cater to your own pace. 

Current Walks in Westminster


Every Tuesday from St James’ Park Underground Station to Abbey Centre Wash House Café, from 11 – 11.45am.


Wednesdays, 12.30-13.30pm start at the Porchester Centre and it takes approximately an hour.

If interested, please visit https://www.ramblers.org.uk/wellbeing-walks-sign-up or email volunteerwithwestmin@everyoneactive.com for more information.


Every Thursday from the MEWSo office in Church Street, from 11am – 13pm.

If interested, contact the Middle Eastern Women & Society Organisation on 07780 983 152 or email office@mewso.org

Become a Walk Leader

If you’re interested in becoming a walk leader yourself, it’s free and all you need to do is complete a 3 hour training course.

Our next training is on Friday 17th May from 9.30am – 1pm at Paddington Recreation Ground.

Wellbeing Walks


Cycling is a very effective way to keep active for fun, as a form of exercise or for going places. There are a number of cycling options.

parked bycicle

Cycling Toolkit

If you don’t where to start, then we have useful advice on buying and maintaining your bicycle as well as how to keep safe while  cycling in London. Click the button below to access Westminster Council’s Cycling Toolkit.

Useful Resources

Clean Air Route Finder – Cross River Partnership

clean air route

The Clean Air Route finder is a tool designed to help individuals and organisations plan travel routes that minimise exposure to ai pollution.

For more information on cycling opportunities, visit Cycling | Westminster City Council