‘Park Makers’ Scheme

The Park Makers’ scheme regulates, facilitates and enables the use of Westminster Parks and Open Spaces by various community providers and PT’s, primarily through recruiting, training and/or deploying local providers and individuals to deliver play, physical activity, leisure and sport opportunities in our parks and open spaces that benefit both body and mind.

We encourage play, physical activity, leisure and sport opportunities in our parks and open spaces, whilst ensuring it is appropriately regulated, particularly to ensure safe and effective management of our parks and open spaces, including but not limited to:

  • Protecting our parks and open spaces, particularly biodiversity
  • Accessing to and use of public open space is preserved for the diverse range of user groups and local residents
  • Providing quality assurance for activities undertaken within the parks and open spaces 
  • Ensuring the health and safety of participants

It is free to become  a Park Marker, however Park Makers will be asked to gain ActiveWestminster Mark accreditation which requires evidence of relevant qualifications, insurance and other safeguarding measures. Please register interest in the ActiveWestminster Mark here.

If you are a Personal Trainer and or a physical activity, leisure or sport activity provider for groups and/or individuals, please fill out the form below to register as a ParkMarker and register your ParkMarker sessions. Once you have completed the form a member of the team will be in contact to process your registration and arrange next steps with you.

How to apply

To start the application process, PT’s and Community providers should express their interest in delivering ‘Park Makers’ sessions by filling out a registration form. We will then get in touch with further information.

‘Park Makers’ scheme registration form

Please fill out the form below to register your interest in delivering ‘Park Makers’ sessions and we will be in touch shortly.