The Volunteering Programme in managed by the council via Westminster Connects and run in partnership with the charity One Westminster. The programme is designed to significantly increase participation in volunteering across Westminster, helping those who live, work and study within the City to find and access the right volunteering opportunities. If you are interested in volunteer in sport and physical activity then ActiveWestminster will support individuals and organisations to connect with each other.

The Volunteering Programme aims to:
- Support volunteers to register interest in published opportunities
- Provide access to volunteer opportunities within physical activity and sport clubs, organisations and providers for those who live, work and study within the borough
- Provide training opportunities and events (ActiveWestminster Mark (AWM) accreditation holders will receive priority and free access to certain training opportunities and events)
- Support organisations to engage in volunteering and fulfil the industry standard for volunteering (London Volunteer Management Charter)
- Support physical activity and sport clubs, organisations and providers to be ‘volunteer ready’
- Help better understand and consider club volunteer needs and the needs of volunteers within Westminster.
To learn more and register with Westminster Connects by completing their Volunteer Form by clicking the button below.