Branding Toolkit

Welcome to the ActiveWestminster toolkit. Here you’ll find our brand guidelines and logos, which form part of our visual identity. These tools are made available for use by our partners who wish to produce materials to promote an activity or service that is supported or funded by ActiveWestminster.

ActiveWestminster Brand Guidelines

For flexibility, our logo is available in various formats and styles. The brand guidelines can be downloaded in PDF format and will help you ascertain the correct way to use these logos in order to best uphold our brand identity.

Active Westminster Brand Guidelines

Full Colour Primary Logo

Secondary Logo (Stacked)

If you would like to use the stacked version of the ActiveWestminster logo, please contact us via the contact form here.

Photography and Video Consent Form

Give permission for Westminster City Council and therefore ActiveWestminster to use photography or film of participants including children by downloading the consent form (PDF format).

If you are an ActiveWestminster Mark holder and would like to request an ActiveWestminster Mark badge please contact us.