ActiveWestminster Strategy for 2024–2028 sets out our ambitious plan to improve the health and wellbeing of residents and visitors across the city, by making physical activity more accessible for everyone, using a whole council approach.
Our vision is for Westminster to be…
a city where everyone is active and has a healthier and happier life.

Because a Westminster where everyone is active, is a Fairer Westminster…
Physical activity can be an important driver in increasing fairness and yet we know that opportunities to be active in Westminster are not accessed equally by everyone at the moment.
Delivering on our vision of a city where everyone is active will therefore contribute to delivering on the council’s overarching Fairer Westminster Strategy in a variety of ways, including:
- Providing excellent physical activity opportunities which ensure all adults can stay healthy and thrive as they age.
- Ensuring children growing up in Westminster having access to active communities.
- Supporting community and voluntary groups prosper in the sport and physical activity sector.
- Ensuring people can find out about opportunities to be active in their local area.
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Introducing our ‘Move for Life!’ framework
Find out more on how we plan to bring our vision to life.
With a vision of ensuring everyone has access to physical activity, the strategy promotes health, accessibility, equality, community cohesion, skills development, and environmental sustainability through a wide range of initiatives.
Using the ‘Move for Life!’ framework, the strategy outlines three core themes of delivery:
This approach is designed to reduce health inequalities and address barriers to physical activity, making active living accessible for all residents, regardless of background, age, gender, ethnicity, or ability.
Active Lives
Everyone in Westminster should be able to be active within their everyday lives, in a way that works for them. This may be to and from work, study, volunteering and training in parks and open spaces, in their local leisure centre, on their own or with friends and family.
Active Neighbourhoods
We'll ensure neighbourhoods have opportunities for residents, students and workers to be active and connect in locally. We recognise that all neighbourhoods are distinct, and at a local level we'll determine what needs to be in place to support an active neighbourhood.
Active City
The infrastructure across the city should support people to be active; whether this is in our leisure centres, activity facilities, school facilities, parks, open and green spaces, playgrounds, our streets, community areas, or cycle and walking routes on our streets and highways.
Three things this strategy will do differently:
Widening access to physical activity opportunities, paying special attention to removing the barriers that some people experience to getting active.
Focusing on supporting and engaging those that are least active currently, enabling them to feel the benefits of being more active and by doing so contribute to tackling health inequalities.
Working seamlessly across teams with a new ‘whole council approach’ and making sure we’re making best use of all our assets and expertise, to drive up physical activity levels.
Together these make up our ‘Move for Life!’ strategic framework. It enables us to tackle the barriers to activity and enable participation at an individual level, within the immediate areas where people live, and across Westminster as a whole.
Building upon the past successes under our 2018–2022 strategy, and using what you have told us as part of our engagement, we have developed the actions and initiatives that we intend to deliver under each of these three themes.