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Update 14 November on the improvements works in Paddington Recreation Ground

The maintenance and improvement works keep progressing well. Here is the latest update for the following weeks.

  • The works in the Environmental Area and Forest School are completed.
  • The improvement works of the Playground Areas is completed.
  • The Pavilion Changing Rooms work is completed.
  • The Pathway Works have started and continue until further notice.
  • The Bluebell Glade and the Forest Garden works have started and continue into the new year.
  • The resurfacing of Tennis Courts 8 – 13 has started and is planned to finish this year.
  • The maintenance and enabling works of Tennis Courts 1 – 7 will start on the 20th November and will finish on the 24th November.

* Please note that all dates are inclusive and weather dependant.

Please visit our dedicated page for Paddington Recreation Ground Improvements to find out the status of each of the works.