The ActiveWestminster Physical Activity Referral Scheme (PARs) is delivered by EveryoneHealth in partnership with our leisure contractors, Everyone Active and was previously known as the GP Referral Scheme.
The PARS scheme has been designed and implemented to help and guide participants into becoming being more physically activity over the 12 – week scheme duration, one of the aims is not only to increase activity levels but improve knowledge too especially surrounding the benefits physical activity. We provide useful, practical tools which we delivered through a combination of one-to-one support, supervised activity sessions, group exercise classes or swimming sessions.
If you are affected by any of the following conditions, you may be eligible for PARS:
• Asthma
• Hyperlipidaemia
• Diabetes
• Mental Health Condition
• Musculoskeletal Condition
• Hypertension
• Overweight/Obesity (BMI>27)
• Neurological Condition
How the referral scheme works
The scheme is available to those who live, work or study in the City of Westminster based on a referral from your GP.
Once your referral form (available from your local medical professional) has been registered and screen with us, an initial appointment will be arranged for you at one of our seven leisure centres across Westminster, this will include an in-depth health and lifestyle consultation with one our Physical Activity Referral Practitioners.
During the initial consultation, you will discuss your current and any previous medical conditions, talk about your present goals, and activity aspirations. The Physical Activity Referral Practitioner will note your baseline body measurements including weight, blood pressure, height and BMI (Body Mass Index)
After you complete your initial consultation, a personalised activity programme will be designed for you to ensure that you enjoy and get the most out of your workout or activity session. A check-up or re-evaluation will be arranged to take place after you have been participating for 6 weeks, and finial follow up appointment will take place during your last week of the scheme, week 12.
To find out if you could benefit from the PARs, simply speak to your primary health care provider such as your GP to see whether you would be suitable for a referral.
Visit directly our delivery partners website on Everyone Health or email them on eh.westminster@nhs.net
For any general enquiries, please email us on active@westminster.gov.uk