Bursary Offer

Westminster City Council’s Sport Leisure & Active Communities Team deliver the ActiveWestminster Skills & Training Programme, a bursary scheme available through a rolling application process throughout the year.

The bursary is designed to:

  • help support and develop people either currently working or volunteering within a charitable organisation or within the Voluntary sector or is looking to develop themselves with a view to supporting the Voluntary Sector in Westminster by enhancing their skills and qualifications.
  • aid employment prospects/development and help contribute to healthier more active lives for Westminster communities and individuals through physical activity, sport, or leisure.
bursary education

Applicants can apply for a bursary to match or contribute to the cost of an identified certified and accredited course that is shown to support their professional development and will be of benefit to communities and/or community organisations within The City of Westminster in the areas of physical activity leisure or sport.

The maximum bursary that can be applied for is £ 2,500 and up to 80% of the course fee will be funded with the applicant expected to cover the remaining 20% of costs (only one application per year per applicant).


To be eligible to apply applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Live in the City of Westminster
  • Work or volunteer in the City of Westminster
  • Study within the City of Westminster
  • Demonstration of need for financial support: Bursary funds can only be awarded to applicants who demonstrate a compelling case for support by being registered unemployed or be able to demonstrate an annual wage/income lower than £21,000. Evidence is required in the form of a benefit letter, available online if you are receiving Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support or Jobseekers Allowance, or if in employment your last issued P60 showing income received.
  • Currently engaged in employment and/or volunteering in Westminster Communities

Assessment Process

Stage 1 – Complete the application form and submit.

Stage 2 – Council Officers will assess the eligibility of applicants using a scoring system.

Stage 3 – High scoring applicants will be invited to meet the assessment panel for an informal talk to discuss individual and wider impacts of the bursary.

Stage 4 – A final decision will be made and the applicant will be informed about the outcome.

Stage 5 – If successful, in return for the bursary investment, it is expected that the recipient should undertake the following over the course of the 12-month period:

  1. Fully complete the course/training programme/accreditation that the bursary was awarded for.
  2. Undertake some volunteering that benefits a Westminster community. Proof of an arrangement with a Westminster club/organisation will be required and will need to be recorded on a form provided by us and signed by both the applicant and the organisation agreeing the volunteer opportunity.
  3. Provide a testimonial or a case-study (template provided by us) or video and/or pictures with a completed consent form for use of visuals and GDPR information.
  4. Encourage and support others to volunteer and apply for the bursary scheme.
  5. Provide a short-written case study (a template will be provided) to the Bursary Panel highlighting the impact on the bursary beneficiary and the wider work that this has enabled within the community.
  6. Be available to attend at least one ActiveWestminster Volunteering Programme event to promote/present on how the bursary has been of benefit and impact.