Pimlico Gardens Re-Development and Investment - Public Consultation & Engagement

Pimlico Gardens re-development aims to improve Pimlico Gardens, on Grosvenor Road, to fit the needs of residents and provide a small community hub environment for recreation. As a Council, we know the importance of hearing the views of all local residents and communities and launched the initial Pimlico Gardens public consultation in November 2022 to gage public perception and opinion on any proposed re-development and investment of the park.

Pimlico Gardens Consultation

About Pimlico Gardens

  • Pimlico Gardens is located at the southern end of St George’s Square on Grosvenor Road. Pimlico underground is located 0.3 miles (approx. 7-10 minutes’ walk) from the park and there is no designated car park.
  • As a riverside park, Pimlico Garden is near to the boating base and overlooking the Thames with access to a riverside footpath.
  • Historically, the park has been planted with trees and lawn and has benches and a drinking fountain for public use.
  • Currently, there is limited provision that caters to the diverse needs of residents that live in the vicinity of the park. 

Key Public Consultation Phases

  • Consultation Phase 1: Online survey to consult with communities and collect representative attitudes and opinions on proposed replacement signage. Completed
  • Consultation Phase 2: In person drop-in community sessions at a selected location to inform and gain understanding of the local context. Completed
  • Consultation Phase 3: Based on the feedback and insights gathered from Phase 1 and 2 of the consultation, we are working with a landscape architect to produce a final landscape design for the site. The design will be shared when completed on this page and with local stakeholders. In addition, we are also working on completing planning conditions needed to carry out the development of the site.

We will keep provide regular updates and share information as it becomes available, please note dates might be subject to change.

Read the FAQ document which  includes a series of questions both on the consultation and wider development of Pimlico Gardens.

Online Survey - Phase 1 Consultation

Phase Completed

Drop In Sessions - Phase 2 Consultation

Phase Completed

The first and second phases of the consultation are now completed. The online survey in Phase 1 gathered views and feedback from residents, local groups and stakeholders on initial ideas to provide initial recommendations and considerations.

The drop-in sessions in Phase 2 provided greater insight and guided the final findings and recommendations report.

To read both reports, visit our dedicated page by clicking the Findings & Reports button below.

For more information

If you would like more information about the project or to share your views having read the findings from both phases of the consultation and the recommendations for the project, please click the button below to use the feedback form.