Westbourne Green Open Space Development Consultation - The survey has been extended until Wednesday 13th December

If you are a resident or a user of Westbourne Green Open Space we want to hear from you!

Westminster Council aims to strengthen a culture of play, physical activity, leisure, and sport across our Lives, Neighbourhoods and City.

Being active and healthy goes hand in hand with an improved quality of life and wellbeing. Sport, Leisure & Active Communities aims to improve Westbourne Green open space by offering different types of space that are more accessible, provide a richer mix of playing opportunities and improve pollution and noise and overall environmental impact of the area.

The purpose of this consultation is to gather views and insights on how best to improve the space and maximise usage of outdoor space within the three workstreams:

  1. Inclusive Play – A menu of options will be presented to the local community prioritising the most wanted elements of inclusive play
  2. Soft landscaping – Proposals will include recommendations on the use of micro forests, semi-mature trees and hedge infill to improve air quality, increase park biodiversity, reduce noise and water loss amongst other benefits
  3. Creating space for girls and young women – Increase use of the area by girls and young women to encourage physical activity and community life

Your views are important to us, so please take the survey before it closes on Wednesday 13th December at midnight.

Visit the Westbourne Green Open Space Consultation page to find out more about the whole pilot and consultation process.