Active Lives for All

Physical activity sessions for people with disabilities and accessibility needs

ActiveWestminster is committed to providing a comprehensive sport and physical activity offer for people with disabilities and accessibility needs that live, work or study in Westminster. 

Through the Active Westminster Partnership, we work closely with a range of internal and external organisations to improve and expand opportunities to get active. From working with Westminster Schools to Event organisers, we have something for all, from early years to later in life.

Sessions for Disabled People

disabled swimmer

Below is list of ActiveWestminster Partners that provide accessible physical activity and sport sessions in Westminster. Click in the links below to access individual organisations website and find details about their offer.

For further information you can also contact the ActiveWestminster team by clicking the button below or using our Contact Us page.

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Sport for Confidence (CIC) places allied health professionals into leisure centres to deliver sport sessions to anyone that faces barriers to participation.

They work locally and nationally in spaces and places making use of the combined expertise of participants, occupational therapists and sports coaches, working together to ensure systems and services are able to meet the needs of diverse communities.

This combined skill set is ideally suited to address barriers to accessing sport and physical activity, tackling inequalities and providing the best possible experiences for people and communities to engage with physical activity in a way that is relevant and meaningful to people’s lives.

We believe everyone should have the opportunities to experience physical activity and sport which offers empowerment, choice and belonging.

Find out more about the work of Sport For Confidence in our Westminster Leisure Centres.

Caxton Youth Organisation

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Caxton Youth Club is the only Youth club in Westminster for young people with disabilities and accessibilities needs for 16 – 25 years old. Participants can enjoy a wide range of services, from Independence programs, to employability skills to health and getting active, offering, amongst other, a range of physical activity sessions.

Caxton Youth Club is the winner of the Active Westminster Awards 2023 in the category Rewarding and Celebrating Diversity Award.

Edutain+ Programme


Edutain Plus is a multi-Activity and sports sessions for Disabled People aged 8-16 years, who live and or study in Westminster. Activities include: Dance, Short Tennis, Parachute games, Boccia & various ball games. Sessions take place during every school half term at Academy Sport (Torquay Street London W2 5EW)

For more information contact Leonard Lionel by phone 07891386688 or by email clicking the button below.

ActiveWestminster Events

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The events below are for both Westminster residents as well as the wider community

School Events

school children running

The events below are for children with SEND and are aimed for pupils attending Special Schools and Mainstream schools in Westminster. If you are a parent or carer and wish for more of this event to take place, please speak to the school directly.



Westminster Council is working to improve access across the borough. Check below the facilities available to make Westminster more accessible for all. 


Westminster City Council is committed to making building more accessible and as part of this we have teamed up with WelcoME and are now using their accessibility platform. If you have any additional requirements and want staff to support them whilst you visit our sites please alert them by using the WelcoME platform below.

WelcoMe enables disabled customers to indicate the specific assistance they required to access the facilities. Here is how to use WelcoMe:

  1. Click on the venue you would like to visit. Check the list of Westminster facilities offering Welco.Me
  2. Click on ‘Plan a visit’. If you don’t have an account yet, sign up and complete your accessibility profile.
  3. Share your access needs, requirements and what help you may need.
  4. The venue will get notified so the team can make sure they are prepared to greet you and have what you need ready for you.
  5. On the day of the visit, once you are at the venue click on ‘Arrive’ and they will get a notification and be with you shortly.

Find out more about WelcoMe

Public and disabled toilets

change places

Changing Places toilets are very important in allowing people who may limited in their own mobility to have access to the necessary equipment that will help them to either get on the toilet or to have their continence pad changed.

As part of Westminster Council commitment to creating a more accessible City and following on from public requirements, three new Changing Place toilets across Westminster are now available.

The logo for a Changing Places toilet has been designed to highlight the differences between a standard accessible toilet and a Changing Places which offers a large hanging facility with hoist and changing bed.

Pool Accessibility

pool hoist pic

A pool hoist is an attendant controlled portable lifting device which enables disabled users and people with restricted mobility to access swimming pools safely.

We have pool hoists available for users at the following Westminster leisure centres:

Sociability at Queen Mother Sports Centre

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In partnership with Everyone Active, Sociability is now available at the Queen Mother Sports Centre (Vauxhall Bridge Road) and Moberly Sports Centre (Chamberlayne Road). Go to the Accessible Information link.

Sociability is a disabled-led technology company and mobile app dedicated to helping disabled people discover accessible places. Their mission is to empower everyone with accessibility needs to live confidently and independently.

With the Sociability app, disabled visitors can plan ahead with ease, ensuring more time spent enjoying activities with family and friends. By providing detailed, reliable and accurate accessibility information for local hospitality, retail and leisure venues across London and the UK, Sociability empowers disabled visitors to plan ahead with confidence, and to spend more time doing the things they love with family and friends. 

Learn more on their website at and download their free mobile app today!

Ability Net

AbilityNet provides free technology support, information and advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.

Find out more about AbilityNet

If you would like more information, please email us at or send us a message using the Contact Us page.