Update 3 July on the improvements works in Paddington Recreation Ground

The maintenance and improvement works keep progressing well. Here is the latest update for the following weeks.

  • Week commencing 3rd July
    • Continuation of surfacing (all week)
    • Forest Play will fully close from Monday 3rd July to Monday 10th July
    • Pavilion Changing Rooms will have restricted access from Thursday 6th July to Thursday 20th July
    • Infant side of the playground closed  from Tuesday 4th July until Friday 21st July 
  • Week commencing 10th July
    • Further work in the infant play area will be underway, but only the side of the ship will be closed from  Monday 10th July to Wednesday 13th July
    • Monday 10th July complete tree house area re open on the same day
    • Tuesday 11th July start on infant area swing and roundabout
    • Thursday 13th July base up train station section
  • Week commencing 17th July
    • Monday 17th July to Wednesday 19 July surfacing to install
    • Thursday 20th July final work check and reopening of the area

* Please note that all dates are inclusive and weather dependant.