Skills and Training Programme

The programme is open to anyone who lives, works or studies in Westminster, however we aim to prioritise staff and volunteers of an ActiveWestminster Mark accredited organisation and those individuals who face considerable cultural and socio-economic barriers to personal and professional development.  

coach development

The Skills and Training programme offer comprises three categories which include:

  • offering free foundation training
  • signposting to further training opportunities and,
  • accessing a training bursary scheme

Bursary Offer

As part of the ActiveWestminster Skills & Training programme, Westminster City Council’s Sport Leisure & Active Communities Team is providing a bursary scheme available through a rolling application process throughout the year .Funding is available to contribute toward certified, accredited courses that develop your skills in sport and physical activity.

Foundation Training

The basic course offer within the Active Westminster Skills & Training Programme aims to provide clubs, organisations, and residents with free access to core training opportunities that are essential for good delivery standards.

Further Training

Further training includes a collection of courses hosted by external providers that cover a wider professional development within the Sport, Leisure, and Physical Activity environment.

Do you want to learn how to get into the sport, leisure and physical activity sector?

Then download our useful guide

Academic qualifications can be beneficial, but they are not always essential. In the Active Leisure and Learning Sector, quality work experience, vocational qualifications, and strong communication skills are highly valued.

Download  the 5 tips on how develop a career in the industry by clicking the button below.