As the weather starts to turn it is natural that we start thinking about how to efficiently heat our homes. Due to the ever-present cost of living crisis which we find ourselves in, this is becoming more of a pressing issue. However, the Green Doctors and Warmer Homes schemes can support you.
Green Doctors
Struggling to make ends meet? Call the Green Doctors who can support you if you have a low household income!
Referrals can be made by calling 0300 365 3005 or completing this referral form for a free phone consultation or home visit. More information can be found here: Green Doctors London.
Warmer Homes
The Mayor of London’s Warmer Homes programme provides free heating, insulation and ventilation improvements for low-income Londoners who own their own homes or rent privately.
Grants of between £5,000 and £25,000 are available to eligible low-income homeowners and private tenants, with funding amounts depending on existing energy efficiency rating, tenure, and current fuel type (i.e., gas, electricity, oil, or LPG)