
Round 2 of Network Activity Project Funding Opens Soon – Monday 29th July 2024

Round 2 of Network Activity Project Funding Opens Soon - Monday 29th July

From Monday 29th July, ActiveWestminster Network partners will have a second chance to submit a proposal for funding support of up to £1000. This funding can be used to support a new or upscaling of a health and wellbeing physical activity community project. 

Submission Deadline: Sunday 25th August 2024 at midnight 

Project Delivery Timeframe: October 2024 – March 2025


Please note funding is subject to network partners and their projects meeting specific criteria as outlined on on our dedicated page on our website – you can find all the information you need here: Network Activity Project Funding

Congrats to Champions of The Future Athlete Tin-Tin Ho!

Champions of The Future Athlete Tin-Tin Ho Wins at English National Table Tennis Championships!

We wanted to share some wonderful news! One of our very first amazing Champions of the Future Athletes Tin-Tin Ho has recently competed in the National English Table-Tennis Championships and won the Women’s Singles, Doubles and Mixed Doubles! This her sixth Women’s Singles win, putting her one behind the all-time record for a female English Player. Congratulations to Tin-Tin!

It has been an absolute privilege working with and supporting Tin-Tin over the last 13 years. She is a prime example of what both mental and physical resilience looks like when working towards being a champion. It has been truly inspiring to see her drive, commitment, and passion for what she does.

Find out more about Tin’s Tin’s Journey

To find out more about Tin-Tin’s journey in her own words, take a look at this Path Guide published by Table Tennis England, featuring an article and Interview (Pages 37-39) with the champ herself! 

Become a Champion of The Future!

If you, like Tin-Tin you are a talented and gifted athlete who lives, studies or works in Westminster, make sure you check out our Champions of The Future scheme. Applications are closed for this year. However, we will be looking for new Champions to support next year.

Sunday 7th April is World Health Day

World Health Day - My Health, My Right

World health day is observed globally every year on 7th April and marks the founding of WHO (The World Health Organisation) in 1948. This year’s theme: My health, my right.

The right to health is increasingly coming under threat around the world by many factors, from diseases & disasters, to devastating conflicts and the climate crisis. And whilst we do not have full control over all of these things, there are things we can all do to take care of our health and wellbeing. 

Some things we can do

  • Nourish the body well: A clean and unprocessed diet can prevent the risk of several health conditions and facilitate optimal growth.  
  • Engage in an active lifestyle and exercise whatever that means for you: Physical inactivity is the most common risk factor for many health condition. Exercise plays a crucial role not only in maintaining a healthy weight, but also improving hearth health. 
  • Prioritise Sleep: Sleep helps us repair and restore our brains and our bodies. During this time we undergo a number of maintenance processes that enable us to function effectively during the day.
  • Take care of our mental wellbeing. Take time to assess your emotional health on a daily basis and do what you need to feel good

April is Stress Awareness Month

Stress Awareness Month 2024 - Little by Little

Stress is primarily a physical response in which the body thinks it is under attack and switches to what is know is known as ‘fight or fight’ mode, releasing a complex mix of hormones and chemicals to prepare the body for physical action. 

It is a normal human response, and is not necessarily a bad thing. Without this ability, we wouldn’t be able to detect potential danger. However it is when the body is constantly on high alert that it becomes detrimental to our health.

A Little Self Care Goes a Long Way

The theme for Stress Awareness Month this April Little By Little highlights the transformative impact that consistent, small positive actions can have on over-all wellbeing. These small steps towards self care each day can reduce your stress levels and have a positive impact on your mental and physical wellbeing.

Take time to make manageable adjustments to your daily routine and incorporate some light activity. Get moving in the way you want. Whether it be walking, running, gardening, doing some light stretches or a yoga class. There is no right or wrong. It’s all about what makes you feel good and helps to get those feel good endorphins going.

To find out more about Stress Awareness Month 2024 visit the Stress Management Society where you can find a variety of useful advise and resources.

Cross the world-famous TCS London Marathon Finish Line on the Mall!

Cross the world-famous TCS Mini London Marathon Finish Line on the Mall!

Have you ever dreamed of representing the City of Westminster and crossing the world-famous TCS London Marathon Finish Line on the Mall? Well now’s you chance!

Athletes will be selected to represent this year’s Westminster team based on their best 5K parkrun time completed between 8th January – 8th April 2024 – still plenty of time to nail that!

Full details can be found on our dedicated page TCS Mini London Marathon Championships 2024

To register your interest please contact Ian Bannister


Get Involved in Neurodiversity Celebration Week – 18th-24th March

Get Involved in Neurodiversity Celebration Week from 18th - 24th March

Approximately 15-20% of population has a neurological difference. When it comes to inclusion, neurodiversity refers to a world where neurological differences are recognised & respected as all other human variations.

Here at Active Westminster we pride ourselves on harnessing an inclusive environment for all. That’s why we wanted to take some time to bring your attention to Neurodiversity Celebration Week which takes place between 18th – 24th of March this year.  

It was founded in 2018 by Siena Castellon, a teenager who is autistic, has ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia. Siena’s goal is to take the focus away from the challenges of neurological diversity and change the narrative to be more balanced, focusing equally on talents and strengths.

This worldwide initiative challenges stereotypes and misconceptions and strives to create more inclusive and equitable cultures that celebrate differences & empower every individual.

Learn more and find out how you can get involved in Neurodiversity Celebration Week.


Neurodiversity Celebration Week