Westminster Council

ActiveStreets Programme – Opening up our streets for play and community life

ActiveStreets Programme - Opening up our streets for play and community life

The impact of opening up streets for children to play and for the community to get together has shown to build a higher sense of trust and belonging, allowing people of all ages and walks of life to connect with each other and lead active, healthy and happy lives.

With this in mind, the Active Streets Programme is a key strategy commitment of The Active Streets Programme is a key strategy commitment of our ActiveWestminster Strategy that aims to  improve the health and wellbeing of residents and visitors across the city, by making physical activity more accessible for everyone. In addition, the programme is part of our Open Spaces and Biodiversity strategy and consists of three types of Active Street which as a Westminster resident or local school, you can apply to host.

The programme overall aims to open up residential streets across Westminster for play, creating space for physical activity right on your doorstep and increasing the number of people who know their neighbours. Play Streets, regular Street Play and School Streets sessions enable active travel and improve air quality.

Active Street Programm

Learn more about the programme and the process you must follow on our dedicated page ActiveStreets.

Pimlico Gardens Consultation – Read the Summary of Findings and Recommendations

Read the Summary of Findings and Recommendations for Pimlico Gardens Re-Development

The first and second phases of the consultation are now completed. The online survey in Phase 1 gathered views and feedback from residents, local groups and stakeholders on initial ideas to provide initial recommendations and considerations.

The drop-in sessions in Phase 2 provided greater insight and guided the final findings and recommendations report.

To read both reports, visit our dedicated page by clicking the Findings & Reports button below.

Official Opening of the Jubilee Community Leisure Centre on Friday 10th November 2023

Westminster City Council, in partnership with Everyone Active, officially opens brand-new leisure centre with fantastic facilities that are more accessible to all

We are giving schools a dedicated opening from 12pm-1.45pm where teachers and children can explore all the leisure centre has to offer, including athletics, taekwondo and football.

From 2pm-5pm, everyone in the community will have a chance to join in some free activities, or just drop in to check out the facilities. 

Free activities available on the day:

  • Information on community activities with community champions (Health and Wellbeing)
  • Basketball
  • Health checks with the Exercise On Referral Teams
  • Circuit class
  • Badminton
  • Table tennis
  • African Yoga

There is something for everyone!!

The leisure centre is run by Everyone Active in partnership with Westminster City Council, featuring a fantastic three-court sports hall where you can participate in activities ranging from 5-a-side football, futsal, basketball, volleyball, netball, badminton and table tennis.

The community studio offers affordable access for community groups and local residents to organise group exercise classes, events, community meetings, children’s parties and soft play. Hour-long sessions are available, helping boost heart rates to keep participants healthy and happy while increasing strength and agility.

Additionally, the facility has a private exercise consultation room for the Physical Activity Referral Scheme (PARS), where healthcare practitioners can refer patients to get a personalised exercise plan to assist with chronic health issues. 

The leisure centre offers a ‘changing places’ space allowing users with complex disabilities and their carers to fully adapt to their needs. 

Everyone’s welcome!

Find out more on Jubilee Community Leisure Centre website

Jubilee Community Leisure centre
22 Lancefield Street, London W10 4NW
0203 3761762


Help the environment while you enjoy your favourite drink – New Reverse Vending Machined at PadRec

Help the environment while you enjoy your favourite drink!

A new Reverse Vending Machine is now available at Paddington Recreation

Following one of the Climate Assembly’s recommendations, we have introduced in Paddington Recreation Ground a new Reverse Vending Machine with the aim to incentivise recycling e.g. bottle deposits and a points-based rewards scheme with vouchers and discounts.
The Reverse Vending Machine was the winning idea from Westminster City Council Innovation Challenge hosted at the end of 2021.
How it works
Users can deposit single-use plastic bottles and aluminium drinks cans into the machine, and for every item deposited, 10p will be donated to the North Paddington Youth Club with 188 items (159 bottles and 29 cans) already deposited, making a helpful start to raise funds.
So, come along to Paddington Recreation Ground and check it out.

ActiveWestminster Awards 2023 – Shortlisted Finalists

The Active Westminster Awards 2023 - Shortlisted Finalists

The ActiveWestminster Awards 2023 recognise those who change lives through their outstanding contribution to physical activity, leisure and sport.

We received over 300 nominations from residents for the awards, only possible thanks to everyone who took the time to recognise the hard work of inspiring people and organisations across Westminster.

The shortlisted finalists have been invited to the awards ceremony taking place on Friday 17 November at Porchester Hall where the winners will walk away with some great prizes donated by our sponsors.

This year’s shortlisted finalists

Inclusive Award

Paul Davis – Pro Touch Soccer Academy

One Westminster Learning Disability Volunteering Project

Queen Mother Sports Centre

Rewarding and Celebrating Diversity Award

Caxton Youth Organisation


Aimee Pickering

Change4Life Award

Renegades Netball Club

London Capital FC

Aya Kassem – Hurdles2Hoops

OneYou Award

Paula Andrea – Fun4Over50’s


Tess Jelen – Breath Easy; Fit for Life

Active Place or Space Award

Moberly Sports Centre

The Porchester Centre

Paddington Recreation Ground

Queen Mother Leisure Centre

PE & School Sports Award

St Marys Bryanston Square

Queens College Preparatory School

St Augustine’s High School

Club or Coach of the Year Award

Chelsea & Westminster Swim Club

Connor Bagenal

Francis Almeida; Green House Sports

Sports Personality of the Year

Felix Thomis

Edward Whittles

Niloufar Rezaei

The Lord Mayor of Westminster Unsung Hero Award, In memory of Mariam Sabir

Charlotte Thomas – Rowe – Hurdles2Hoops

Abdul Aziz Toki

Yunus Ahmed

Good luck to all the finalists and thank you again to everyone who submitted a nomination.

For more information, please visit the main ActiveWestminster Awards page on the Westminster website.

Digitise your old photos with Memory Lab at Church Street Library

Digitise your old photos with Memory Lab at Church Street Library

The Memory Lab will enable our communities to preserve their memories and bring them to life through the provision of an accessible service and by transferring physical memory material to a USB storage device so that they can be easily used on current and future devices, to easily view and enjoy their treasured memories with family and friends over and over again.


  • Church street library


  • Every Tuesday – 10- 1pm
  • Every Thursday – 2pm – 5pm

This service has been extended until the 16th January 2024


What is a Memory Lab?  
The Memory Lab was an idea proposed in the Westminster Innovation Challenge launched in 2021 seeking ideas from residents, students, and Council officers on how we could build a smarter Westminster. Inspired by the Memory Lab Network in the United States, the Memory Lab’s main purpose is to provide a personal archiving program with the transfer of their memories to a more accessible and current digital format.  

How do I access the Memory Lab?  
The Memory Lab will be based in Church Street Library.  You do not need to book to use the Memory Lab as it is a drop-in service on a first-come-first served basis. 

Why is the Memory Lab only open for a limited time?  
The Memory Lab is a pilot service delivered by Smart City and the Libraries and Archives service following ideas submitted as part of the Westminster Innovation Challenge. The pilot is being initiated as a trial to test user satisfaction, user uptake and our processes.  

What can I convert? 

  • Photograph negatives or positives in the following format: 
    • 35mm Film, 35mm Slides (2x2inch mount)
    • Medium Format (120/220), 5×4 Inch film; 
  • Professional photographer negatives 
  • Projector slides 
  • Up to A3 size picture 

What do I need to bring?  
Bring along the images you would like to convert into a digital format. A USB device will be provided as part of the pilot service to store your converted memories for future personal use. 

Users will be given the opportunity to contribute their memory material with Westminster Libraries and Archives service to be included in formal collections to showcase our modern social history. Should the user wish to contribute their memory material up to date contact details will be required to complete a deposit form giving consent to use their memory material.   

What if I need assistance?  
The free service located in a dedicated space within Church Street Library which will provide high quality transfer and scanning equipment for the Westminster community to use in transferring their personal collections to more accessible digital formats with the support of a digital volunteer.  

Whilst using the Memory Lab, volunteers will also be able to triage users to access additional support they may require improving their skills and confidence with digital technology, as part of our Digital Inclusion program offering.  

Capture those precious moments for generations to come!

This service has been extended until the 16th January 2024

For more information, download the PDF poster or visit Westminster Memory Lab page