Sheena Kotecha

Be Active in Your Neighbourhood – Free Physical Activity Sessions

Be Active for FREE Physical Activity Sessions in your Neigbourhood

Get ready to get active and healthy in your local area

We’re always looking for ways to empower and enable individuals, groups and communities to lead more active healthy and happy lives.

To make this happen we are offering a selection of FREE physical activity sessions starting in three locations: 

  • Churchill Gardens
  • Hallfield Area
  • Queens Park Area
active neighbourhood web feature

Each area has it’s own schedule which you can find by clicking on the button below. This is just the beginning, we’re planning to add more neighbourhoods over time.

In the meantime, if you need more info or have questions, please email us at or send us a message using the Contact Us page.

Congratulations to our Westminster 2024 Olympians!

Congrats to our Westminster 2024 Olympians

We just wanted to say a huge congrats and well done to our two amazing Champions of the Future Athletes that made it to the Paris Olympics this year!

A reminder of who they are

Ashely McKenzie

Ashley represented Jamaica in the Judo competition and made it all the way to round 16! Ashley comes from Queen’s Park and joined Moberly Judo Club as a child. He has had an amazing career which has seen him win the Commonwealth Games Gold for England twice. 


Bianca Williams

Bianca represented Team GB in the women’s 200m athletics and made it all the way to the semi-final! She won bronze in last year’s World Athletics Championships as part of the 4x100m relay team and made the semi-final in 200m. Bianca has won multiple medals representing England and Team over her brilliant career and lives in Maida Vale and often trains at Paddington Recreation Ground. 


Find out how you can become a champion of the Future!

If you are a gifted or talented young athlete who lives in Westminster, be sure to check out our Champions of the Future Programme! Let us help you to elevate your career to the next level. The next round of applications opens in February 2025 so keep an eye out. 


Apply for a Street Play by 16th August in time Car Free Day on 22nd Sept

World Car Free Say is Coming - Get your Street Play Application by 16th August

Choose Green Streets and apply for a Street Play Session

On Sunday 22nd September we want to reduce the number of cars on the road by encouraging residents and the local community to apply for a Street Play session.

What is Street Play?

Street Play offers a one-off road closure allowing children and families to play in streets at specified times, on specified days and in specified locations. 

Closing streets to cars can have a significant impact on our health and the environment 

  • Higher levels of physical activity 
  • Healthier and happier children and communties
  • Reduced air pollution
  • Reduced noise pollution
  • Increased road safety

Apply before the 16th of August and we’ll fast track your Street Play application in time for World Car FREE Day on the 22nd of September – it’s a win win! 

Get on board with Playwaze – It’s Free

Get on Board with Playwaze

Promote your Physical Activity for FREE with us on Playwaze!

At ActiveWestminster we’re always looking for ways to encourage and make it easy for people who live, study and work in Westminster to engage in an active lifestyle with a view to improve their overall wellbeing. 

That’s where Playwaze comes in.

Introducing Playwaze

Playwaze is a digital activity booking system that we use to enable you as a club, organisation, private coach or PT to display your sessions on our activity finder, allowing you to increase your visibility and potential pool of clients. And the best thing is, it’s completely FREE – no charges, no subscriptions, no hassle! 

Head over to our Playwaze page to find out more about how getting on board will benefit you. There’s a quick video that tells you more and quick and easy to follow user guide that walks you through how to get set up.

Celebrating Love Parks – Enjoy Westminster Parks and Green Spaces

Celebrating Love Parks 2024

Make the Most our Parks and Open Spaces!

Love Parks week is an annual campaign from celebrating parks, green spaces, and the dedicated volunteers and workers that look after them all year round. This year, Love Parks week runs from 26 July – 4 August.

Green spaces play a vital role in boosting the health and wellbeing of residents and communities. From providing spaces for communities to come together, socialise, play and engage in group activities and events, to allowing some time for solo activities like walking, and reading to decompress, enjoy nature and get away from the grind of day to day life, they are truly versatile.

Westminster has over 80 parks and open spaces (30 of which have Green Flag status), so plenty to choose from if you are a resident, study, or work in the area. You can find out more on our dedicated Parks and Open webpage.

Make the most of it – read, walk, exercise, relax, meet a friend, play or simply enjoy nature.

Grosvenor Estate Outdoor Gym Launch

Grosvenor Estate Outdoor Gym Launched Successfully

Grosvenor Estate Outdoor Gym launched to encourage physical activity in local area

We pleased to share that the outdoor gym at Grosvenor Estate launched on Saturday 27th July! Thanks to all of you that joined us on the day.

It was exciting to see the positive reaction from people in the local community. Our goal is to make sure physical activity and or the means to exercise and stay active is available to people from all walks of life. Not only does this have a positive impact on health by reducing the risk of developing several diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, it also improves the general quality of life. 

As part of this project an unused playground has now been transformed into a fully functioning outdoor gym, featuring six new pieces of fitness equipment. We had one of our Everyone Active instructors on hand to guide people on how best to use it, alongside the Public Health Team. 


If you live locally or just feel like working out somewhere make sure you drop by and check it out: Grosvenor Estate, Between Schomberg and Tothill Houses, SW1P 4BH