Parks and Open Spaces

Hello Families! Check out the re-vamped Family Information Hub

Hello Families! Check Out the Revamped Family Information Hub

The council has recently revamped the dedicated website for families – the Family Information Hub. 

Get Access to a Wealth of Information

From what support is available at our physical family hubs, to free childcare, parenting programmes and support if you have a specific need, you can find it all there. You can access a variety of information on ways children and young people can get active. Many activities across the borough are also promoted on the Young Westminster Foundation’s website Our City.

Favourite the Family Information Hub and keep up to date with all the support and activities we offer in Westminster.

FREE PSC Open Age Monday Monthly Bowls – Get Involved!

FREE Bowls First Monday of Every Month at Paddington Sports Club - Get involved!

Whether you are a bowls enthusiast or someone that wants to try something new – this is for everybody! Enjoy a spot of bowls with Open Age the First Monday of Each Month between 10:00 – lunch time at Paddington Sports Club!

All equipment is supplied, you just need to arrive with flat footwear and comfortable clothing and it’s completely FREE!

To find out more visit Paddington Sport Club. They are located at: Castellain Road, Maida Vale, London, W9 1HQ

Apply for a Summer Street Play by the end of May!

Let's Play Outside - Apply for a Summer Street Play by the end of May!

Streets can and should be places where people can sit, talk, read, play walk and connect. There are so many positive benefits:

  • It gives children the space and the freedom to be active and play safely outdoors, providing an opportunity to make friends near home, whilst gaining independence and learning new skills. 
  • It brings the wider community together, increasing connections, forming new friendships and trusts between neighbours of all ages and backgrounds.
Overall it leads to a higher sense of belonging, allowing people of all ages and walks of life to connect with each other and lead active, healthy and happy lives.
Applications take 25 days working days, so do something wonderful for your community and apply today!

Read more about the benefits and how to apply at our ActiveStreets webpage by clicking on the button below.

TCS London Marathon visit Paddington Recreation Ground!

Tree planting with 2024 TCS London Marathon Winners at Paddington Recreation Ground!

We were lucky to have some very special visitors at Paddington Recreation Ground! The four newly crowned 2024 TCS London Marathon champions came down to help us plant some lovely Cherry and Hawthorne trees (each athlete planted one tree) as part of the London Marathon Living Hall of Fame. And it just so happened to be World Earth Day!

They were joined by some of the wonderful children of Saint Saviour’s C of E local primary school who represented Westminster in the TCS Mini London Marathon this year. 

Introducing the Winners!

  • Male runner: Alexander Munyao
  • Female runner: Peres Jepchirchir – Who broke the Women’s only world record!
  • Male Para Athlete:  Marcel Hug of Switzerland
  • Female Para Athlete: Catherine Debrunner of Switzerland 

Congratulations and thank you again for joining us!

Get Ready for Unity in the Community!

Unity in the Community is Back this Summer!

Unity In The Community is a fun and FREE, event brought to you by the wonderful team at Everyone Active in partnership with ActiveWestminster. 

It takes place on 15th June at Paddington Recreation Ground, with not one, but two great events on the day which aim to bring the community together and provide a friendly environment where players can compete and show off their fancy footwork!

Unity in the Community (UITC)

Unity In The Community (UITC) is a mixed gender football competition, which invites local players and teams from all corners of Westminster and beyond to UNITE, compete and showcase their skills at our state of the art pitches. 

Girls Football Festival

That’s right girls this one is strictly for you! The Girls ONLY Football Festival will be taking place alongside UITC to commemorate the Woman’s World Cup! It kicks off with a fun filled skills session, followed by non-competitive friendly matches. 

Registrations are open until 14th June! Make sure you don’t miss it!

For full details visit our dedicated Unity In The Community webpage. And for any further questions please can contact Ryan Denys on


Represent the Westminster Netball Squad at London Youth Games 2024!

Westminster Netball Squad Trials for London Youth Games 2024!

The London Youth Games is a nine-month season of events, comprising School & Community competitions across 30 sports with 90 disciplines.

We’re looking for talented and passionate netball players to represent Westminster this year! If that sounds like you keep reading for all the details.

Get Involved!

The trials take place this Saturday 20th April and next Saturday 27th April between 1:00 – 2:00 pm at Academy Sport, Torquay Street, W2 5EW

For more information contact Angela Emanuel on 07940 021907 or on