
Become a Walk Leader

If you want to become a Walk Leader, this is your chance

Join the waitlist for the Walk Leader Training qualification run by Everyone Active on May 17th from 9:30am – 1pm at the Paddington Recreation Ground.
if you are passionate about physical activity and know that walking is a great way to stay active and healthy, here is your chance to become a certified Walk Leader. In this training course you will be able to:
  • Gain leadership skills
  • Learn about safety and route planning
  • Promote health and wellness in our community
  • Join a supportive network of fellow enthusiasts

Don’t miss this opportunity to access the FREE training and lead the way towards a healthier future. Limited spots available, so sign up for the waitlist now by emailing via the button below.

No Mow May is Back!

No Mow May is Back!

No Mow May
Following on from last year’s success, Westminster City Council is taking part in PlantLife’s campaign ‘No Mow May’ again this year to support biodiversity in our parks and estates.

Some of our parks, greenspaces and housing estates will not be mowed for the entire month of May.

Giving Nature a Chance for Nurture!

A healthy lawn with some long grass and wildflowers benefits wildlife. The wildflowers provide a vital food source for bees and butterflies. With their numbers in decline, they need all the help they can get.

Find out more about why we’re participating on the No Mow May dedicated webpage.

To join us head-over over to PlantLife’s website to find out how you can get involved!

NSC Spotlight For May-London Sports Trust

NSC London Sports Trust

NSC Spotlight for May - London Sports Trust

The Neighbourhood Sports Club programme is delivered in collaboration with members of the ActiveWestminster partnership and Everyone Active. Our Spotlight for March is the amazing London Sports Trust.

Aspire and Achieve Through the Power of Sport!

London Sports Trust is an organisation that aims to inspire positive change for disadvantaged young Londoners through sport, training and life skills to improve life outcomes as well as physical and mental health.

Sessions available

There are two sessions they are offering as follows:

  • Tag Rugby: For 11-16 year olds on Tuesdays between 4:00-5:00 pm at Eaton Square Park, SW1W 9BQ
  • Basketball: For over 55s on Thursdays between 3:00 – 4:00 pm at Peabody Trust, Abbey Orchard Street, Westminster, London, SW1P 2JB.
For more information, click the button below for the London Sports Trust.

The NSC programme offers 150 hr of free or low cost physical activity and a wide range of sports, times and venues to fit everyone. Find out about all the activities being offered by clicking the button below.

TCS London Marathon visit Paddington Recreation Ground!

Tree planting with 2024 TCS London Marathon Winners at Paddington Recreation Ground!

We were lucky to have some very special visitors at Paddington Recreation Ground! The four newly crowned 2024 TCS London Marathon champions came down to help us plant some lovely Cherry and Hawthorne trees (each athlete planted one tree) as part of the London Marathon Living Hall of Fame. And it just so happened to be World Earth Day!

They were joined by some of the wonderful children of Saint Saviour’s C of E local primary school who represented Westminster in the TCS Mini London Marathon this year. 

Introducing the Winners!

  • Male runner: Alexander Munyao
  • Female runner: Peres Jepchirchir – Who broke the Women’s only world record!
  • Male Para Athlete:  Marcel Hug of Switzerland
  • Female Para Athlete: Catherine Debrunner of Switzerland 

Congratulations and thank you again for joining us!

Get Ready for Unity in the Community!

Unity in the Community is Back this Summer!

Unity In The Community is a fun and FREE, event brought to you by the wonderful team at Everyone Active in partnership with ActiveWestminster. 

It takes place on 15th June at Paddington Recreation Ground, with not one, but two great events on the day which aim to bring the community together and provide a friendly environment where players can compete and show off their fancy footwork!

Unity in the Community (UITC)

Unity In The Community (UITC) is a mixed gender football competition, which invites local players and teams from all corners of Westminster and beyond to UNITE, compete and showcase their skills at our state of the art pitches. 

Girls Football Festival

That’s right girls this one is strictly for you! The Girls ONLY Football Festival will be taking place alongside UITC to commemorate the Woman’s World Cup! It kicks off with a fun filled skills session, followed by non-competitive friendly matches. 

Registrations are open until 14th June! Make sure you don’t miss it!

For full details visit our dedicated Unity In The Community webpage. And for any further questions please can contact Ryan Denys on


Represent the Westminster Netball Squad at London Youth Games 2024!

Westminster Netball Squad Trials for London Youth Games 2024!

The London Youth Games is a nine-month season of events, comprising School & Community competitions across 30 sports with 90 disciplines.

We’re looking for talented and passionate netball players to represent Westminster this year! If that sounds like you keep reading for all the details.

Get Involved!

The trials take place this Saturday 20th April and next Saturday 27th April between 1:00 – 2:00 pm at Academy Sport, Torquay Street, W2 5EW

For more information contact Angela Emanuel on 07940 021907 or on