
ActiveStreets Programme – Opening up our streets for play and community life

ActiveStreets Programme - Opening up our streets for play and community life

The impact of opening up streets for children to play and for the community to get together has shown to build a higher sense of trust and belonging, allowing people of all ages and walks of life to connect with each other and lead active, healthy and happy lives.

With this in mind, the Active Streets Programme is a key strategy commitment of The Active Streets Programme is a key strategy commitment of our ActiveWestminster Strategy that aims to  improve the health and wellbeing of residents and visitors across the city, by making physical activity more accessible for everyone. In addition, the programme is part of our Open Spaces and Biodiversity strategy and consists of three types of Active Street which as a Westminster resident or local school, you can apply to host.

The programme overall aims to open up residential streets across Westminster for play, creating space for physical activity right on your doorstep and increasing the number of people who know their neighbours. Play Streets, regular Street Play and School Streets sessions enable active travel and improve air quality.

Active Street Programm

Learn more about the programme and the process you must follow on our dedicated page ActiveStreets.

NSC Spotlight for November – The Avenues Youth Project

NSC Spotlight for November - The Avenues Youth Project

The Neighbourhood Sports Club programme is delivered in collaboration with members of the ActiveWestminster partnership and Everyone Active. This month our Spotlight is on the Avenues Youth Project, a non-profit organisation offering free after-school activities for young people aged 8-18.

The Avenues Youth Project

Physical activity sessions offered as part of the NSC Programme

As part of the 150 hours of free or low cost physical activity and sport provided by programme, these are the available sessions in Westminster:

Girls’ Football

Saturdays 11am – 12pm

Queen’s Park Primary School
Droop Street, London W10 4DQ
Girls Only


Saturdays 12 -1pm

Avenues Youth Club
3-7 Third Avenue, W10 4RS
Children & Young People (Beginners)
Saturdays 1.30 – 5pm
Avenues Youth Club
3-7 Third Avenue, W10 4RS
Children & Young People Intermediate

Click the button below to know more about the organisation and how they help young lives to thrive.

The NSC programme offers 150 hr of free or low cost physical activity and a wide range of sports, times and venues to fit everyone. Find out about all the activities being offered by clicking the button below.

Official Opening of the Jubilee Community Leisure Centre on Friday 10th November 2023

Westminster City Council, in partnership with Everyone Active, officially opens brand-new leisure centre with fantastic facilities that are more accessible to all

We are giving schools a dedicated opening from 12pm-1.45pm where teachers and children can explore all the leisure centre has to offer, including athletics, taekwondo and football.

From 2pm-5pm, everyone in the community will have a chance to join in some free activities, or just drop in to check out the facilities. 

Free activities available on the day:

  • Information on community activities with community champions (Health and Wellbeing)
  • Basketball
  • Health checks with the Exercise On Referral Teams
  • Circuit class
  • Badminton
  • Table tennis
  • African Yoga

There is something for everyone!!

The leisure centre is run by Everyone Active in partnership with Westminster City Council, featuring a fantastic three-court sports hall where you can participate in activities ranging from 5-a-side football, futsal, basketball, volleyball, netball, badminton and table tennis.

The community studio offers affordable access for community groups and local residents to organise group exercise classes, events, community meetings, children’s parties and soft play. Hour-long sessions are available, helping boost heart rates to keep participants healthy and happy while increasing strength and agility.

Additionally, the facility has a private exercise consultation room for the Physical Activity Referral Scheme (PARS), where healthcare practitioners can refer patients to get a personalised exercise plan to assist with chronic health issues. 

The leisure centre offers a ‘changing places’ space allowing users with complex disabilities and their carers to fully adapt to their needs. 

Everyone’s welcome!

Find out more on Jubilee Community Leisure Centre website

Jubilee Community Leisure centre
22 Lancefield Street, London W10 4NW
0203 3761762


NSC Spotlight for October – Our Parks

NSC Spotlight for October - Our Parks

The Neighbourhood Sports Club programme is delivered in collaboration with members of the ActiveWestminster partnership and Everyone Active. This month our Spotlight is on the physical activity and exercise organiser Our Parks

Get Fit for Free

Our Parks UK classes are delivered by fully qualified and registered coaches.
The sessions below are available at Queens Park Gardens and at no cost, no subscription, no special equipment needed. What are you waiting for to try the out?

These sessions are organised as part of the NSC Programme in partnership with Everyone Active.

NSC Spotlight Our Parks

The NSC programme offers 150 hr of free or low cost physical activity and a wide range of sports, times and venues to fit everyone. Find out about all the activities being offered by clicking the button below.

The new Jubilee Community Leisure Centre opens on Wed 20th Sep

The new Jubilee Community Leisure Centre opens today Wednesday 20th Sep 2023

Westminster City Council, in partnership with Everyone Active, opens its door of the brand-new leisure centre with fantastic facilities for the community 

Appealing to people of every age, gender and fitness level, it features a massive three-court sports hall with activities like 5-a-side football, while the community studio caters for group exercise classes and children’s parties.

The private exercise consultation room (for the Physical Activity Referral Scheme) enables healthcare practitioners to refer patients for personalised exercise regimens to assist with chronic health issues.

Customer platform lifts and a ‘changing places’ space allow users with complex disabilities and their carers to fully adapt to their needs.

Come along and we will show you around!

Everyone’s welcome!

Jubilee Community Leisure centre
22 Lancefield Street
W10 4NW
020 3376 1762



NSC Spotlight for September – Serpentine Running Club

NSC Spotlight for September - Serpentine Running Club

The Neighbourhood Sports Club programme is delivered in collaboration with members of the ActiveWestminster partnership and Everyone Active. This month our Spotlight is on the famous running club Serpentine.

Serpentine Junior Sessions

These are the sessions on offer under the NSC programme 150hr of low cost or free sessions. The sessions are held at the Paddington Sports Centre Athletics Track inside the Paddington Recreation Ground 

  • Tuesdays 5.30 -7pm
  • Wednesdays 5.30 -7pm
  • Thursday 5.30 -7pm

New junior members are welcome throughout the year. Annual membership for Juniors is £0.00  From 1st Sept 2023 this will include a Serpie top and training sessions at Paddington track.

If you would like to try out a session or two before deciding whether to become a club member, they offer two taster sessions after which you will be expected to become a full Serpentine member.

If going for the first time, please email so they know to expect your attendance. They ask for an adult to go with you and stay for the taster session/s too.

Serpentine Juniors

The NSC programme offers a wide range of sports, times and venues to fit everyone. Find out about all the activities being offered by clicking the button below.